A little trip home


So this weekend I went home for Mother’s Day! Plus I hadn’t been home for roughly 8 weeks, so I was looking forward to it! I spent Friday & Saturday night catching up with friends, and Saturday in the day I went shopping inLeicester with the mother!

I brought home 8 pairs of size 12 jeans that were all to big for me, to give to my mum as she’s been doing WW and has lost 16lbs by going to the meetings. Plus they were all clogging up my wardrobe and didn’t have any room for new clothes haha! So we went sopping and I got a new pair of jeans from river island in a size 10, a pair from primark and a size 8!? In topshop! (Never thought I’d say that haha) that’s only because I picked up the wrong size when I went to try them on and they ending up fitting! A bit tight but will be perfect for when I get to goal! But was so happy there were a 26 inch waist!

I also got some new shoes, a leather jacket and some bras too! (Gone down from a 34F at my biggest to a 34C) which I don’t really mind to be fair! Means I can buy smaller shirts without the buttons popping open in the middle haha!

I was 100% on plan Friday & Saturday! Because I had my weigh in Saturday morning and managed to lose 1lb this week! Which I was extremely happy about as I had a cheat night Thursday hehe.

IMG_3615 I’m off skiing on the 27th March and my goal is to be 10st 2, so I’m hoping to achieve that! Which I think I will.

On Mother’s Day (Sunday) I went out for a Toby carvery with 12 other family members! So I decided to have a cheat meal. This included a massive roast dinner with all the trimmings, and the best sundae ever which included Black Forest cheesecake in it! Probably about 25PP haha! And the roast about 25PP! So I’ve used most of my weeklies! Which I’ll need to head back to the gym tonight to burn some of the ice cream off ha!


For Mother’s Day I brought my mum a backpack as she’s off on a cruise with my dad for tIMG_3677here silver wedding anniversary, I also got her a cute pot of flowers! After the meal we did a bit of a food shop at tesco to get some bits and bobs for me to bring back up to uni, which included lots of Special K & Allen bars (all 2PP each) and some pikelets! Which are my new find in tesco, there only 1PP each or 2 for 3PP, and there like flattened crumpets! Which I’ll try tonight after my workout.

Ciao for now x

5 thoughts on “A little trip home

    • keeliexx

      Thank you 😊 I don’t really do a specific one, I just tend to do whatever in the gym haha! But I always do a 2 mile run at the beginning and spend 25-30mins on leg and arm weights x


  1. Ems

    Do you use all of your weeklies every week? And have you done since the beginning? A little scared to use mine but some days I just find 26 points isn’t enough!


    • keeliexx

      I tend to use my on alcohol or bad food, but yeah I always do use my weeklies maybe only twice I haven’t at all. The plan is designed for you to have them and still lose weight! So if you feel you need to have a couple extra each day then go for it 😊 x


    • keeliexx


      Yeah i do tend to use all my weeklies because i have one day a week where i dont count points! I probably go over tbh haha! but knowing i have a cheat day keeps me on track 🙂

      i tend to snack on a look of fruit and veggies during the day, and keep my breakfast low in points so i have more points later on in the day



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